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Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident with Online Instructor's ToolKit, 4th Edition

ITEM #: 2960-4OITK J&B PUB

Preparing for class is easy with the resources on the Instructor's ToolKit.

  • Lecture Presentations in PowerPoint Format: Provides instructors with a powerful way to create presentations that are educational and engaging to their students. These slides can be modified and edited to meet instructors' specific needs.
  • Detailed Lesson Plans: The lesson plans are keyed to the PowerPoint presentations with sample lectures, lesson quizzes, answers to all end-of-chapter student questions found in the text, and teaching strategies. Complete, ready-to-use lecture outlines include all of the topics covered in the text. The lecture outlines can be modified and customized to fit any course.
  • Skill Evaluation Sheets: Provides instructors with a resource to track students' skills and conduct skill proficiency exams.
  • Electronic Test Bank: The test bank contains multiple-choice and allows instructors to create tailor-made classroom tests and quizzes quickly and easily by selecting, editing, organizing, and printing a test along with an answer key, including page references to the text.
  • Image and Table Bank: Instructors can use these graphics to incorporate more images into the PowerPoint presentations, make handouts, or enlarge a specific image for further discussion.
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MFR#: 9781284284690

UPC: 9781284284690

Preparing for class is easy with the resources on the Instructor's ToolKit.

  • Lecture Presentations in PowerPoint Format: Provides instructors with a powerful way to create presentations that are educational and engaging to their students. These slides can be modified and edited to meet instructors' specific needs.
  • Detailed Lesson Plans: The lesson plans are keyed to the PowerPoint presentations with sample lectures, lesson quizzes, answers to all end-of-chapter student questions found in the text, and teaching strategies. Complete, ready-to-use lecture outlines include all of the topics covered in the text. The lecture outlines can be modified and customized to fit any course.
  • Skill Evaluation Sheets: Provides instructors with a resource to track students' skills and conduct skill proficiency exams.
  • Electronic Test Bank: The test bank contains multiple-choice and allows instructors to create tailor-made classroom tests and quizzes quickly and easily by selecting, editing, organizing, and printing a test along with an answer key, including page references to the text.
  • Image and Table Bank: Instructors can use these graphics to incorporate more images into the PowerPoint presentations, make handouts, or enlarge a specific image for further discussion.

Preparing for class is easy with the resources on the Instructor's ToolKit.

  • Lecture Presentations in PowerPoint Format: Provides instructors with a powerful way to create presentations that are educational and engaging to their students. These slides can be modified and edited to meet instructors' specific needs.
  • Detailed Lesson Plans: The lesson plans are keyed to the PowerPoint presentations with sample lectures, lesson quizzes, answers to all end-of-chapter student questions found in the text, and teaching strategies. Complete, ready-to-use lecture outlines include all of the topics covered in the text. The lecture outlines can be modified and customized to fit any course.
  • Skill Evaluation Sheets: Provides instructors with a resource to track students' skills and conduct skill proficiency exams.
  • Electronic Test Bank: The test bank contains multiple-choice and allows instructors to create tailor-made classroom tests and quizzes quickly and easily by selecting, editing, organizing, and printing a test along with an answer key, including page references to the text.
  • Image and Table Bank: Instructors can use these graphics to incorporate more images into the PowerPoint presentations, make handouts, or enlarge a specific image for further discussion.

Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident with Online Instructor's ToolKit, 4th Edition      

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